Get a free valuation for your property
Do you want to know how your property would perform?
Find out with aTemporal what the rental price of your property is by filling out the form.
- 1. Your property info
- 2. Your contact info
- 3. Get your appraisal
- Fill in your appartment details
- Fill in your contact information
- Obtain your appraisal instantly
- Fill in your appartment details
- Fill in your contact information
- Obtain your appraisal instantly
An aTemporal manager will contact you shortly to give you more information and offer you a quality service through which you can get the most out of your home.
* The estimated value of your home is indicative. Legislative variations, as well as other factors linked to the regulatory casuistry of each autonomous community, will determine the real value of your property.
* Other values such as the state of conservation of the house, its height, the finishes and the exact m², without counting common elements, may have an impact on the exact value of your property.
Economic estimate
The estimated price for the property in the rental market is
The estimated profitability compared to a conventional rental is 30% above.